What's New?
Boot Camp News
The Fall 2024 programs were:
September 16 and 19 hosted and sponsored by Emond Harnden LLP at their offices in Ottawa.
October 8 and 10 hosted and sponsored by Brazeau Seller LLP at their offices in Ottawa.
November 26 and 28 hosted by Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP in Winnipeg, this session took place via Zoom.
For 2025, plans are underway for contracted boot camps in spring/summer with two law firms outside Ottawa, and a large NGO in Ottawa. At least the NGO boot camp will involve a bespoke case study designed to focus on its lawyers' area of law.
Other News
In Fall 2024, we announced that most Advocacy Club CPD and social events will be planned, coordinated and run by CCLA's New Legal Professionals and Advocacy Club Committee. Co-chaired by Club members Kelli-Anne Day and Victoria Boddy. The Committee is looking to recruit members to advance its ambitious agenda. Reference the CCLA's newsletters for details. The first event was the December Holiday Social. Visit the CCLA website here and newsletter here for details.
On LinkedIn, the Advocacy Club Users Group will now pass to Kelli and Victoria's capable hands. I will continue to post news about upcoming boot camps, but will not post other news.